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Kolekcja: 🐸👑♻️ Extrusion of Plastics – Online Training & Courses

Rolbatch-Laabs Academy offers practical online training for professionals in the plastics extrusion industry, covering both general extrusion techniques and specialized applications.

This collection includes:
✔️ General extrusion courses, including Part 1 for beginners and Part 2 for intermediate and advanced participants.
✔️ Specialized training on the extrusion of films, pipes, profiles, sheets, and more – everything related to plastics extrusion.
✔️ Troubleshooting training – learn how to identify and solve common issues occurring during the extrusion process.

📚 In this collection, you will also find books on plastic extrusion.

🚀 Coming soon! We are expanding our training portfolio to include detailed courses on the extrusion of pipes, profiles, sheets, and films. These courses will provide in-depth knowledge about process parameters, material selection, and quality control for specific extruded products.

📢 We also offer customized training programs designed for specific companies. These exclusive courses are tailored to the company's needs and available only to its employees.

👉 Read more about Dedicated & Custom Courses 

Choose a course that fits your needs and develop your skills anytime, anywhere. New courses will be added regularly – sign up for our newsletter to stay updated and never miss a new release.

Below, you will find the available courses. Other training programs are in preparation – check out what we’re working on!

👉 See the list of courses in preparation   👉 Check FAQ  👉 ORDER NOW!

✉️ Write to us and make sure the course is available in your language. If so, you will receive access within 24 hours (on business days). If not, we will inform you when the additional language version is ready.

Liczba produktów: 26
  • Online-Kurs: Technologie wspomagające produkcję folii (Część 5) – BLFIL-P5-1005
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  • Kurs Online: Ekonomia i analiza kosztów produkcji folii PE (Część 9) – BLFIL-P9-1009
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  • Online-Kurs: Produkcja folii z surowców z recyklingu i recykling własnych folii (Część 8) – BLFIL-P8-1008
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  • Kurs online: Jak powstaje folia? Wprowadzenie do technologii produkcji folii dla handlowców i menedżerów – PLAS-INT-2001
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  • Kurs Online: Słownik Branżowy – 100 Kluczowych Zwrotów w Produkcji Folii – PLAS-INT-2002
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  • Kurs Online: Słownik Branżowy – 100 Kluczowych Zwrotów w Recyklingu Tworzyw Sztucznych – PLAS-INT-2003
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  • Online Course: Industry Glossary – 100 Key Terms in Plastics Processing – PLAS-INT-2004
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  • Online Course: Industry Glossary – 100 Key Terms in Polymer Raw Materials and Properties – PLAS-INT-2005
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