♻️🌱 Spracovanie a recyklácia plastov - Rolbatch Academy - Webináre a online školenia
Automation in Industry: Reality or Myth?
🌍 According to the World Economic Forum, around 85 million jobs were projected to disappear by 2025 due to automation. Now, as we evaluate these predictions, the plastics processing and recycling industry stands out for its transformation. Automation has reshaped roles, streamlining production while creating demand for new skills in programming, maintenance, and system optimization. This shift highlights both challenges and opportunities, urging industries and workers to adapt to ensure a sustainable and efficient future. Dive into our analysis of this dynamic evolution.
🐸👑♻️ Rolbatch Academy – Váš znalostný hub pre priemysel plastov
Rolbatch Academy je vaším centrom pre plasty, recykláciu a technologické inovácie. Ponúkame praktické školenia a bezplatné webináre, aby sme zlepšili vaše zručnosti. Prihláste sa na odber nášho newslettera, aby ste boli informovaní o nadchádzajúcich webinároch a najnovších trendoch v oblasti plastov a recyklácie. Odberatelia nám môžu tiež posielať otázky a my na ne odpovieme v našom blogu alebo newsletteri.