♻️🎓📚新在线课程 – Rolbatch Academy | 塑料加工和回收培训
🐸👑 ♻️ Plastics in Our Lives – What Should We Know About Them?
Plastics are everywhere, from bottles and bags to clothing and car parts. In this training, we’ll explore what plastics and polymers are, how they are made, and why they are so widely used. Discover innovative approaches to recycling and learn how technology can help reduce their environmental impact. Gain a clear understanding of plastics, their role in our lives, and how we can use them responsibly.
♻️🎓📚 聚丙烯 (PP) – 特性、应用和回收解决方案
聚丙烯(PP)是世界上使用最广泛的聚合物之一。由于其耐用性、耐化学性和低生产成本,它被用于薄膜生产、包装和注塑。作为一种可回收的热塑性塑料,PP 支持可持续发展和循环经济实践。在本文中了解其特性、应用和回收方法。探索 Rolbatch Academy 的在线课程,以增强您在塑料加工和回收技术方面的专业知识。 -
♻️🎓📚 如何识别塑料 – Rolbatch 学院的实践培训
通过 Rolbach Academy 掌握塑料鉴定。学习使用视觉、触觉和分析方法对 PE、PP 和 PET 等材料进行分类。该课程涵盖密度测试、水行为分析以及光谱测定等先进技术。立即注册,促销价为 151.00 欧元(正常价格为 203.00 欧元),并获得证书以提高您在塑料加工、回收和技术方面的资格。