♻️🌱 塑料加工和回收 - Rolbatch Academy - 网络研讨会和在线培训
♻️🌱 使用加工助剂提高塑料薄膜生产效率
塑料薄膜生产是从食品包装到农业和建筑等许多行业的基石。该工艺的成功不仅取决于所用聚合物的质量,还取决于 加工助剂的正确选择。 在 Rolbatch Academy,我们教授如何有效使用加工助剂来: 提高生产效率 提高薄膜质量 减少浪费和成本 通过回收支持可持续发展 本文探讨了添加剂... -
RecyClass: The Future of Packaging Recycling and Sustainable Development
In an era of growing environmental awareness and the pursuit of a more sustainable lifestyle, the topic of packaging recycling has become one of the central elements of the global debate on environmental protection. In response to these challenges, initiatives have emerged aimed at facilitating recycling processes and increasing the efficiency of secondary raw material usage. One of the most significant organizations in this field is RecyClass – an international platform that develops standards and tools to help assess packaging in terms of its recyclability.
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Rolbatch Academy 是您在 塑料、回收 和技术创新方面的中心。我们提供实用培训和 免费网络研讨会 来提升您的技能。订阅我们的新闻通讯,以便及时了解即将举行的 网络研讨会 和塑料及回收领域的最新动态。订阅者还可以向我们发送问题,我们将在我们的博客或新闻通讯中回答这些问题。