♻️🌱 塑料加工和回收 - Rolbatch Academy - 网络研讨会和在线培训
Automation in Industry: Reality or Myth?
🌍 According to the World Economic Forum, around 85 million jobs were projected to disappear by 2025 due to automation. Now, as we evaluate these predictions, the plastics processing and recycling industry stands out for its transformation. Automation has reshaped roles, streamlining production while creating demand for new skills in programming, maintenance, and system optimization. This shift highlights both challenges and opportunities, urging industries and workers to adapt to ensure a sustainable and efficient future. Dive into our analysis of this dynamic evolution.
🐸👑♻️ Mentoring for Leaders: Support in the Plastics Industry
"Growth begins when you step out of your comfort zone."
Entering the plastics processing and recycling industry presents numerous challenges. New processes, specific terminology, and industry-specific nuances require not only knowledge but also the support of someone who has already walked this path. Our mentoring program is designed for business owners, board members, and project leaders entering this sector. We offer personalized online video conferences and intensive on-site sessions to support your success.
🐸👑♻️ 塑料与回收 – 为环境共同努力!
塑料在现代生活中至关重要,但其过度生产和糟糕的废物管理带来了环境挑战。教育是关键——从儿童开始,我们可以教导回收和可持续使用聚合物的重要性。在Rolbatch Academy,我们专注于设计可回收产品,最小化废物,并使用创新的回收技术。加入我们的努力,将废物转化为资源,促进聚合物使用的可持续实践。一起,我们可以为地球带来改变!
🐸👑 你将在 Rolbatch Academy 和我一起学习关于塑料的哪些知识?
由于风力涡轮机叶片采用耐用的复合材料、聚合物和塑料,回收利用是一项挑战。方法包括将叶片变成填料的机械回收、用于能量回收的热回收以及回收高质量材料的化学回收。创新的解决方案将叶片重新用于隔音屏障和基础设施。 复合材料和聚合物的进步推动了可持续回收,确保对环境的影响最小。
风力涡轮机叶片由复合材料、聚合物和强化塑料,结合了玻璃纤维和环氧树脂用于强度和耐用性。它们的生产包括成型、树脂灌注和固化,以创造出轻质、空气动力学的结构。先进的复合材料确保抵抗环境条件和机械应力。本文介绍了聚合物基复合材料如何成型和组装以满足现代可再生能源的需求强>系统。 -
RecyClass: The Future of Packaging Recycling and Sustainable Development
In an era of growing environmental awareness and the pursuit of a more sustainable lifestyle, the topic of packaging recycling has become one of the central elements of the global debate on environmental protection. In response to these challenges, initiatives have emerged aimed at facilitating recycling processes and increasing the efficiency of secondary raw material usage. One of the most significant organizations in this field is RecyClass – an international platform that develops standards and tools to help assess packaging in terms of its recyclability.
🐸👑 Rolbatch Academy – 您的塑料行业知识中心
Rolbatch Academy 是您在 塑料、回收 和技术创新方面的中心。我们提供实用培训和 免费网络研讨会 来提升您的技能。订阅我们的新闻通讯,以便及时了解即将举行的 网络研讨会 和塑料及回收领域的最新动态。订阅者还可以向我们发送问题,我们将在我们的博客或新闻通讯中回答这些问题。