♻️🌱 塑料加工和回收 - Rolbatch Academy - 网络研讨会和在线培训
🐸👑♻️ Mentoring for Leaders: Support in the Plastics Industry
"Growth begins when you step out of your comfort zone."
Entering the plastics processing and recycling industry presents numerous challenges. New processes, specific terminology, and industry-specific nuances require not only knowledge but also the support of someone who has already walked this path. Our mentoring program is designed for business owners, board members, and project leaders entering this sector. We offer personalized online video conferences and intensive on-site sessions to support your success.
我的塑料之旅始于 10 岁,向行业专家父亲学习。从贸易展览会到建造挤出生产线,每个项目都教会了我创新和可持续发展的价值。我将实践经验与失败的教训结合起来,创建了 Rolbatch 学院,分享塑料加工和回收方面的实用知识。这个领域在不断发展,我对学习的热情也在不断发展。