♻️🌱 塑料加工和回收 - Rolbatch Academy - 网络研讨会和在线培训
Plastic Recycling Training at Rolbatch Laabs Academy – Key Takeaways for the Film Production Industry
At Rolbatch Laabs Academy, we conducted a Plastic Recycling training session for recycling and plastic processing companies. We covered plastic identification, the impact of regranulate contamination on film quality, and key parameters like MFI, density, and moisture content. Understanding these factors helps companies reduce waste and improve product quality. Find out why training should involve not only the technical department but also machine operators to enhance production efficiency.
Discover a World of Knowledge and Innovation – My Blogs for You!
Knowledge, innovation, and inspiration – this is what you will find in my blogs. If you are interested in plastics and recycling, renewable energy,... -
Recycled Plastics in the Automotive Industry – Necessity or Challenge?
The automotive industry is in crisis. With China leading the market, European manufacturers must adapt to new challenges. Recycled plastics are becoming an industry standard, but they will not solve rising production costs or supply chain disruptions. Germany is losing its dominance as China develops its own closed-loop recycling systems. How will European injection molding companies and recyclers position themselves in this changing landscape?
Hygroscopicity and Osmosis in Plastics – Are They the Same?
Hygroscopicity vs. Osmosis in Plastics – What’s the Difference?
Not all plastics absorb moisture! Hygroscopic plastics (e.g., ABS, PA, PET) pull water into their structure, which can cause defects during processing if not dried properly. Non-hygroscopic plastics (PVC, PE) do not absorb moisture but can act as barriers against osmosis.
💡 Key differences:
✔️ Hygroscopicity – water absorption into plastic granules.
✔️ Osmosis – water passing through a material.
✔️ PVC is not hygroscopic but can reduce osmosis. -
🐸👑♻️ 从家族热情到塑料专家——Rolbatch Academy
在Rolbatch Academy,我们专注于塑料和回收行业的实用培训,将实际经验与易于获取的教育相结合。
➤ 我们的优惠:
- 操作员技术培训(挤出机、回收生产线)。
- 了解塑料参数,如MFI、MFR和密度。
- 定制网络研讨会以满足特定业务需求。
➤ 即将举行的免费网络研讨会:
- 熔体流动指数(ISO 1133)——其在加工中的重要性。
- 塑料回收——挑战与机遇。
- 微塑料——影响与解决方案。
🐸👑♻️ 塑料与回收 – 为环境共同努力!
塑料在现代生活中至关重要,但其过度生产和糟糕的废物管理带来了环境挑战。教育是关键——从儿童开始,我们可以教导回收和可持续使用聚合物的重要性。在Rolbatch Academy,我们专注于设计可回收产品,最小化废物,并使用创新的回收技术。加入我们的努力,将废物转化为资源,促进聚合物使用的可持续实践。一起,我们可以为地球带来改变!
🐸👑 你将在 Rolbatch Academy 和我一起学习关于塑料的哪些知识?
在当今瞬息万变的世界中,员工流动很常见。同时失去关键员工可能会扰乱您的业务。员工培训不再是可选的,而是必不可少的。它有助于保留知识、建立团队参与度并为组织应对未来的挑战做好准备。了解为什么培训是您在 2025 年最有价值的投资。在♻️🌱塑料和回收博客上了解更多信息。
风力涡轮机叶片由复合材料、聚合物和强化塑料,结合了玻璃纤维和环氧树脂用于强度和耐用性。它们的生产包括成型、树脂灌注和固化,以创造出轻质、空气动力学的结构。先进的复合材料确保抵抗环境条件和机械应力。本文介绍了聚合物基复合材料如何成型和组装以满足现代可再生能源的需求强>系统。 -
♻️🌱 投资 PET 瓶回收
投资 PET 瓶回收,尤其是瓶到瓶技术,可以提供可扩展且有利可图的商机。这一过程可以将废旧 PET 瓶转化为食品级包装,满足严格的欧盟法规和不断增长的生态市场需求。随着全球对可持续发展的日益关注,投资回收技术不仅可以确保高回报,还可以减少对环境的影响。了解Rolbatch Academy如何帮助您实施回收解决方案并可持续地扩展您的业务。 ♻️🌍 -
♻️🌱 一次性 PET 瓶与多次使用 PET 瓶 - 环保还是健康风险?
多用途 PET 瓶真的环保吗,还是会带来健康风险?虽然可重复使用的瓶子有助于减少浪费,但由于 PET 的多孔结构,它们可能会保留清洁化学品和细菌。由于温度限制低于 80°C,有效灭菌变得具有挑战性。然而,回收可确保彻底净化,使 PET 的再利用更加安全。探索一次性 PET 瓶与多次使用 PET 瓶的优缺点,并发现可持续的解决方案。立即前往 Rolbatch 学院了解更多信息并采取行动保护环境! 🌍♻️ -
♻️🌱 让我们一起照顾我们的星球——每一个行动都很重要
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